How to Share Minecraft Server Logs Using

Last updated on 19 February 2025



Logs play a crucial role in identifying, discovering, and troubleshooting issues causing problems on your Minecraft Server. However, server logs can be really lengthy and difficult to share manually. This is where comes into the frame. This tool helps you to share your server logs with anyone without leaking your sensitive information. Additionally, this tutorial will cover everything from downloading your server logs, uploading them on, and sharing them.

Downloading Log File

To start, you have to start by downloading your server's log file before sharing it with the help of To do that, follow the steps below—

1. Log in to your MCServerHost dashboard and navigate your way to the file manager, where you will find a folder named 'logs'.


2. In the folder, find the latest log file of your server, which is titled as 'latest.log' and download it.


Uploading a Log File to and Sharing It

On successfully downloading the latest log file of your server, you can start uploading it to by following the steps below—

1. Go to on any browser of your choice and upload your server's log file on it by clicking the option titled 'Select a file'.


2. On uploading, save the file in order to generate a unique shareable link to your server's log file.


3. Now you can share your newly generated unique link with anyone in order to share your server logs.


Installing & Configuring mclogs Plugin/Mod

It can become a bit hectic if you are someone who constantly needs to view and share your server's logs. To counter this issue, you can simply install mclogs plugin/mod on your Minecraft Server by following the steps given below. It is easy to install, doesn't require any configuration, and can provide shareable links to your server's log files by using a simple command.

1. Go to the mclogs plugin/mod page on SpigotMC or CurseForge and download its .jar file according to your server requirements.

2. Log in to your MCServerHost dashboard, and stop your server in order to avoid any type of error while installing the plugin/mod into your server.

3. Head towards the file manager, install the mclogs plugin/mod into your ‘plugins’ or 'mods' folder, and restart your server in order to let it create its configuration files on the server.


4. On restarting your server, mclogs will start functioning on your server without any issues.

Using mclogs Plugin/Mod

On installing the plugin/mod into your Minecraft Server, you can start using it in order to export shareable links to your server's logs. Below you can view some common commands available with the plugin/mod that you can use on your server’s console.

1. mclogs - Uploads the latest log and provides a shareable link.

2. mclogs list - List of all the logs files available on your server.

3. mclogs share <filename> - Allows you to upload a specific log file to MClogs.


That's it! By using, you can easily share your server's logs with anyone without revealing any type of sensitive information. It is easy to use, doesn't require much experience, and comes in handy whenever you need any type of assistance from us or someone else. Just make sure to follow the steps, and you are good to go.

Similarly, if you are having any type of issue or problem with your server at MCServerHost you can always get in touch with us by joining our Discord server or writing us at

